Saturday, April 17, 2010

Like the Air that I Breath

I was a told a story once, time has blunted much of the detail, but I think it was true nonetheless.

A youth asked his spiritual leader, "How can I find God?" The older man brought the boy to the fountain in the court yard. Without warning he forced the youth's head under the water and held it there for a moment. When he pulled the younger man's head out of the water he asked, "Do you want to know God?" The student was so stunned that he did not answer.

The elder again forced the student's head into the waters of the fountain. This time he held it there much longer. When he was pulled out of the water he was again asked, "Do you want to know God?" He did not hesitate to answer, "Yes!"

For a third time the leader forced the pupils head under the water. He held it their far longer until the student began to struggle. However, the master did not relent. He held the boy there till the last possible moment; just as his struggles began to lessen. He then pull the boy's head form the fountain. He again asked, "Do you want to know God?" His student was lying on the ground gasping for breath completely unable to speak.

The master looked at him and said, "When you want to know God as badly as want air then you will find him." Isaiah 55: says. "Seek the LORD while he may be found."

Have you ever need to hear from God? In the past months I have come to a new understanding of the verse in Matthew 4 where Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

There comes a point when I am so fearful, so desperate, so discouraged that I cannot go on. I can't face the seemingly insurmountable obstacles in my life. Those are the times when I can only throw myself at the foot of the cross. I have been on my knees or on my face in prayer and I cannot continue with a word from the Lord. If God does not help I cannot go on. When the desperation for God is like the desperation for air, He never fails to meet me. Somehow simply being in His presence can affect me. There is a connection of my spirit to His, in which a great exchange takes place. Like oil He covers me with joy in exchange for my sadness. He lifts my countenance as I wallow in the muck and mire.


  1. Talk to me Jesus, I need you hear you speak.

  2. I remember when you were in high school, and Samaria,(Derek's wife) said she knew God talks to you, I loved hearing that. And we take comfort in it now, I am so glad God talks to you.

