Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A New Normal

I find myself in a time where I have to rely on God like never before. At times I feel like I am in the midst of a test and that during this test I have to hold on to God in a new way. While this analogy is horribly insufficient, it’s like I had been holding on with just one hand and now I need to hold on with both hands.

So as I pray I'm asking God what’s your purpose in this test, what do you want me to learn, help me to persevere, help me to make it though, and things like that. The issue is that all my thought and prayers were treating this like it's a special circumstance, as if somehow the time when I need to hold on to God with all I have is just an anomaly. What I'm really praying is God I've had enough holding on tight can't we go back to the old way.

The amazing thing that God dropped on me is that this is the new normal. The purpose of this time is not to hold on tight till a storm blows over and then let go. Rather, the point is to learn how to hold on with both hands and to never look back. From now on the life that I lead requires two hands on God. This is no anomaly, this is normal.


  1. I am at a constant state of emotional overload, I hope that is not the new normal.

  2. WOW! That is "powerful" Pastor. In contemplating this what came to me it while you hold on with both hands, Robbie Jo is supposed to LET GO and fly. God will be there to hold her in both His hands.

    Love you

  3. Robbie Jo,
    You are growing so much through this also, I love you

